This August had the incredible exhibition of Doris Homann at Ligia Testa Espaço de Arte. Some works are here at SmartGallery and I personally liked DH 19 and DH 9 a lot. They are very strong canvases, given Doris's background and life:

October there will be an exhibition of Egas Francisco at Joh Mabe Espaço Arte e Cultura, organized by Ligia Testa. Egas visited the office last week and he is a fascinating person, later we will do an interview with him. His exposure is the result of therapy sessions with Dr. Isac Karniol. Egas seeks to make his art, absolutely spontaneous, the invisible in visible. I received a signed copy of the book Palimpsesto Mágico, and I recommend, besides the paintings by Egas, the text is very good.

Other highlights are the Francisco Gonzales and Décio Soncini, who recently exhibited at Joh Mabe Espaço e Cultura and now have their works here on the site. There are screens of reduced measures with excellent value, worth checking out.

Also 3 new artists joined SmartGallery and I recommend that you check out their works, Carlos Lorenzo, Cristiano Chaussard and Landrou Sá

This is the August update, until next time.
