Author: Joh Mabe


Guia do Colecionador de Arte: Como Escolher Obras com Confiança Você está pronto para mergulhar no mundo cativante da arte? Como colecionador em potencial, você pode se encontrar diante de um vasto mar de opções, desde pinturas clássicas até instalações contemporâneas. Mas não se preocupe, estamos aqui para ajudá-lo a navegar nesse universo intrigante. Descubra…


1. Introdução Pablo Picasso é, sem dúvida, um dos artistas mais renomados e influentes do século XX. Sua vida e obra são repletas de trajetórias fascinantes que cativaram o mundo da arte. Desde sua infância em Málaga, na Espanha, até sua consagração como um dos fundadores do movimento cubista, Picasso deixou um legado duradouro nas…


1. Introdução São Paulo, Brasil, é reconhecida internacionalmente por seu vibrante cenário artístico e cultural. Com uma infinidade de museus e galerias, a cidade oferece uma infinidade de oportunidades para mergulhar em obras de arte requintadas. Quer você seja um entusiasta da arte ou simplesmente queira explorar a rica herança cultural de São Paulo, este…


I used to be a Buddhist, I already wandered towards atheism, but I settled in the Catholic region. I was an ascetic for 2 years, didn't eat meat, didn't drink, didn't smoke and didn't even listen to music. All this belief collapsed when I got sick at the gym, I had a pressure drop that made me see only white light ...


The bubonic plague, which happened mainly in Europe in the Middle Ages, and lasted until the 19th century, influenced society a lot. It preceded the Renaissance and has references both in Dante's Divine Comedy and Giovanni Bocaccio's Decameron. But, perhaps the biggest impact was on religion, which suffered a sharp decline, as people ...


I am expected to give my political view here. For various reasons ... An art platform that promotes, in addition to your works, content written about art. I have everything prepared, but I didn't publish it. In the meantime, I was fascinated by the new Joker movie. To the point of going to watch it, alone, on Friday. And, why not speak ...


We visited Egas Francisco's studio and were very well received. Here is the interview: We also did a 3D tour in his studio: And a guide for the tour: If you are interested in any of the works, contact us. If you want to book the 3D Tour, send us a message.


This month of August had the incredible exhibition of Doris Homann at Ligia Testa Espaço De Arte. Some works are here at SmartGallery and I personally liked DH 19 and DH 9 a lot. They are very strong canvases, considering Doris's background and life: October there will be an exhibition by Egas Francisco…


The Bienal in São Paulo, in the heyday, was the ultimate goal of artists, mostly painters and sculptors. To be awarded at an international Biennial was the dream. Those were the days of art, from the patronage of Matarazzo until the early 1980s. Ciccillo Matarazzo literally created the Bienal in São Paulo,…