Aldemir Martins

Aldemir Martins (Ingazeiras CE 1922 - São Paulo SP 2006). Painter, engraver, draftsman, illustrator. In 1941, he participated in the creation of the Centro Cultural de Belas Artes, in Fortaleza, with Antonio Bandeira (1922-1967)Raimundo Cela (1890-1954)Inimá de Paula (1918-1999) and Mario Baratta (1915-1983), a space for permanent exhibitions and art courses. Three years later, the institution changes its name to Cearense Society of Fine Arts - SCAP. Aldemir Martins produces drawings, woodcuts, watercolors and paintings. He also works as an illustrator in the Ceará press. In 1945, he traveled to Rio de Janeiro, and, less than a year later, he moved to São Paulo, where he held his first individual and resumed his career as an illustrator. Between 1949 and 1951, he attended courses at the Museum of Art of São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand - MASP and becomes the institution's monitor. Study art history with Pietro Maria Bardi (1900-1999) and engraving with Poty Lazzarotto (1924-1998). In 1959, he received the award for travel abroad National Salon of Modern Art and stays for two years in Italy. Since the beginning of his career, his production has been figurative, and the artist uses a formal repertoire that is constantly taken up: birds, especially roosters; cangaceiros, inspired by the popular ceramic figures; cats, made with sinuous lines; and still flowers and fruits. In the paintings he uses intense and contrasting colors.

  • ALDEMIR Martins. In: ENCICLOPÉDIA Itaú Cultural of Brazilian Art and Culture. São Paulo: Itaú Cultural, 2019. Available at: . Accessed on: 19 de Jul. 2019. Verbete da Encyclopedia.
    ISBN: 978-85-7979-060-7

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