Author: Joh Mabe


I was running in the park ... With headphones and trance music in my ear, I heard a group of girls talking about the Muggles at SmartGallery. Delirium? I don't know, I thought it was good ... Talk bad, but talk about me? But my marketing guru soon made a point of downloading a video about how the best-selling brands are wanted and…


I was born in the middle of art. Ever since I was a child, I had seen the paintings of my grandfather, Manabu Mabe, he stayed in his studio all day, and later on, he never left my uncle, who also paints. My father has always had a gallery, and I not only attended many exhibitions, but also went to the Bienal, which was…


Pensava sobre o que escrever neste artigo inaugural do blog da SmartGallery e vieram algumas ideias. Desde como começar uma coleção de arte até como analisar os fatores que influenciam a precificação dela. Pesquisando, devaneei para a distinção entre preço e valor, velho chavão prescrito por Oscar Wilde. E terminei escolhendo o tema da subjetividade…